Friday, November 12, 2010

Roofing continued

Roofing continued... When we ran our string line we realised the packers were too short to where the fly rafter would sit. We needed to wedge them out from the inside truss to correct this and put blocks in to compensate for them being short.

Once we had them corrected, we fixed them across the purlin and into the truss.
We used a straight edge on the apex across two trusses to get our fly rafter into position.
We got our fly rafter into position, clamped it up and fixed.

Unfortunately our fly rafter moved from that position we had it at, and only realised after we tried to fit the second fly rafter, so we had to redo it, to get it correct at the apex again.

The nogs that were supplied with the roof frame pack up were installed and wiredogs fixed to help prevent up lift in high wind zones.


Extra timber for support in the gable end truss frames needed to be cut and fit around diagonal bracing.

More had to go in, anywhere there was a stud was below.