Wednesday, February 2, 2011


We had to cut the soffit lining so we lay down three pieces of timber, measured and marked off where we would cut, and cut in between two of the pieces of timber.
We started the soffit at the back end of the house at the apex. The joiner is placed upside down at the apex and the other way round for the rest of the house.
The soffit gets slotted into a gap in the guttering and fixed close to the wall.

We measure and cut it to fit like a jigsaw round the house.
Previous to installing the soffit we mark were the nogs will be so we can fix at the centre of the soffit at equal spacings.
Once the soffit was up we could put in the cavity battens that run just under the soffit horizontally and the vertical ones also. We planed back the cavity batten at the bottom to fit into the vermin strip.

The meter box needed to be assembled according to its instructions, and the gap in the framing needed to be packed out to house it nicely.

Here is the meter box fitted, with flashing.
After finishing all the vertical cavity battens we went on to staining the weatherboards.
We built a stand for the weatherboards to dry, and then shelves to stack them on inside the house.

1 comment:

  1. This is the actual process of soffit install, very detailed like what soffit repair gta did. Very nice posting, keep it up!
